din 'vis de toamna' de jon fosse, devenit spectacolul 'vis. toamna' de radu afrim
words that haunt you, images that haunt you
atat de curat
Împăturiţi hărţile şi lăsaţi deoparte globurile. Dacă le-a desenat altcineva, lăsaţi-le deoparte. Începeţi alt desen cu balene jos şi cormorani sus, iar între cele două extreme identificaţi, dacă puteţi, locurile pe care nu le-aţi găsit încă pe celelalte hărţi, legăturile care sunt evidente doar pentru voi. (Jeanette Winterson - Sexul ciresilor)
din 'vis de toamna' de jon fosse, devenit spectacolul 'vis. toamna' de radu afrim
words that haunt you, images that haunt you
atat de curat
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ce ciudat. si eu ma gandesc foarte des la TOTI oamenii care nu vom mai exista in o suta si ceva de ani.
dar la case nu ma gandesc. poate pentru ca aici casele sunt temporare.
dead dreams dropping off the heart like leaves in a dry season
how long do I take it
can I start to change it
you know it's been a long long time
can I grow a new skin
can I try to begin again
dead dreams dropping off the heart like leaves in a dry season
deci ai vazut, rumczeisz...
dead dreams.
Da, dar prea multe de spus intr-un comment...
The motor car with its blinds drawn and an air of inscrutable reserve proceeded towards Piccadilly, still gazed at, still ruffling the faces on both sides of the street with the same dark breath of veneration whether for Queen, Prince, or Prime Minister nobody knew. The face itself had been seen only once by three people for a few seconds. Even the sex was now in dispute. But there could be no doubt that greatness was seated within; greatness was passing, hidden, down Bond Street, removed only by a hand’s-breadth from ordinary people who might now, for the first and last time, be within speaking distance of the majesty of England, of the enduring symbol of the state which will be known to curious antiquaries, sifting the ruins of time, when London is a grass-grown path and all those hurrying along the pavement this Wednesday morning are but bones with a few wedding rings mixed up in their dust and the gold stoppings of innumerable decayed teeth. The face in the motor car will then be known.
(Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway)
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